It has been already more than a month, since I am back home in good (c)old Germany from a 3.5 weeks vacation in Central America. And what a vacation!

Central America Itinerary

For me personally, it was full of achievements and unforgettable memories. I did get over my fears and dived the Great Blue Hole in Belize. I did survive the toughest and the most rewarding hike ever to the Acatenango Volcano at 3976 m/13044 ft elevation, watched the eruptions of Fuego up close above the clouds and slept in the shadow of this active volcano in Guatemala. I did swim through a tunnel in El Salvador and realized that I am no longer afraid of dark waters. I hiked through tropical jungles and relaxed at idyllic beaches in Honduras, and gathered many more memories I will not forget anytime soon. I brought back tanned skin, sore toes, bug bites, and thousands of great pictures.


Since my return, I have been sorting out two thousand-something photos, and I am in the midst of writing up the posts one by one in parallel. However, a jam-packed summer is awaiting me and I realize it will take quite some time until I can publish all those highlights. Thus, I thought I could give you a foretaste of my trip.


As I want to see this and that, and that too within a limited time frame, it is not always easy to work out the perfect itinerary. I spent months planning the trip and it was just about perfect, although I had decided with a heavy heart to skip a lot of places…The time allocated felt too short everywhere, but hey! I have more reasons to return someday to this beautiful geography.


This time, I prepared an interactive map to present my itinerary. Click on the link here to take the virtual tour of my Central America trip: first, click the play button to start, then click on full screen. To pause the tour, hover over the information boxes. Click on the boxes for more text, and then click the images to enlarge. You can move through the information boxes with their forward or back arrows, or close the box to let the tour continue.

As promised, I will write detailed posts about each and every leg of the trip as soon as I can, so stay tuned and follow me along on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, while I am on summer break.

!Hasta luego!