Mindful Adventure: The Art of Traveling Gently and Authentically

Adventure travel is for anyone looking for something out of the ordinary – physically or mentally. Extraordinary experiences boast the perfect opportunity to sense and perceive the world anew, and we at MAHO on Earth strive to encourage and inspire individuals to step outside of their comfort zone, try new activities, explore new cultures and wild exotic places, and connect with the destination and like-minded travelers along the way while immersing themselves into authentic experiences and own inner depths.

We consider each trip as an opportunity to cultivate our travel persona with humility, curiosity, and respect, what we call a “Mindful Adventure“. When travel is done mindfully, responsibly and to the best of our abilities, it can help make our world a better place for everyone, little by little.

We are aware of the impact we leave behind and the long-term change we cause. Wherever we go, we visit with humility, curiosity, and an open mind and heart:

  • We do respect cultural customs and norms. Traveling mindfully and gently does not mean making people feel uncomfortable because of our presence.
  • Traveling is about learning and gaining experiences, not just checking things off a list. We leave space for memorable, spontaneous, authentic travel experiences: an unscheduled afternoon to take a walk, or the decision to use public transport for a day.
  • We do not engage in activities that exploit animals or people, nor do we purchase products made from threatened or endangered species.
  • We do not engage in behavior that would encourage kids or adults to beg, and we do not distribute gifts (money, candy, pencil, etc.) to anyone so as not to contribute to a dangerous dynamic of dependency.
  • We do take pictures respectfully, share pictures respectfully. Even with permission, we don’t spread images of people that compromise their dignity.
  • When we travel, we don’t care about luxury, but rather cleanliness, safety, and a decent comfort level. We may prefer modest hotels, guesthouses and camps, but we do indulge in unique experiences and never sacrifice the experience.
  • We work with local, small businesses, and make sure local guides receive fair pay.
  • We make it a point to get to know our travel companions and keep our travel group small and intimate while keeping an eye on the budget.
  • We want you to have the most rewarding experience possible. We take care of all the hassle of planning, and you can enjoy your vacation with peace of mind.

We believe that experiencing other parts of the world with respect for the places and the people we visit, will do more good than harm to our shared planet and ourselves. With this in mind, we can’t wait to welcome you on one of our

Highlands to

MAHO on Earth